Good Dogs

While putting the rows together for the quilt I’m working on I snapped a few pictures of my “good dogs”. Even the puppy knows to stay off the quilt.

Good Daisy

Here is a picture of Daisy tip-toeing around the quilt. She was about 7 months old when I took this picture. What a good puppy!

And here is the old guy, Laddie, laying beside the quilt. Good boy!

Good Dog

While clearing floor space to lay out the quilt, I tossed one of Daisy’s toys behind me. Here is where it landed.

Good Laddie

Poor guy! He just laid there with that ratty toy on him. I guess he thought I put it there for a reason.

Dogs…you gotta love ’em!

Recovery Food Fit for Man and Beast

This summer I was introduced to a new recovery food…popsicles! Recovery foods are food that runners eat right after a run to begin refueling their bodies. Some other good recovery foods that I have found are bananas, grapes, sport bars, chocolate milk…yes! chocolate milk.

The best recovery food after a run on a hot and humid summer evening is a popsicle. And of course I had to share my popsicle with my four-legged running partner, Daisy.


She likes grape flavored also.


Perhaps grape is her favorite.


And make sure you re-hydrate with water.


I didn’t have a bowl so a White Castle cup worked great.

It’s Good to be Home

Our 2013 beach vacation is in the books.


Heading for home in the fast lane…I was doing the speed limit.

Heading home

The scenery along the border of North Carolina and Virginia is breath-taking.

Northern North Carolina and Virgina border

Vacations are wonderful, but when you have these guys (guy & girl) to come home to it’s all good.

Dog reunion

I think they missed each other.

Laddie our 11 year old Border Collie/Aussie mix stayed at home. My nephew house-sat for us. Laddie can be trusted alone in the house. He’s earned that right.

But we boarded our 8 month old English Shepherd puppy, Daisy. Daisy requires more supervision. A co-worker of my husband owns a kennel. So, that is where Daisy vacationed. Rumor-has-it or should I say pictures texted to us, shows she may have got some extra attention at the kennel. Evidence has since been erased.

Never-the-less, she was happy to be home and Laddie was happy we were all home.

Daisy looks like she’s begging Katie to never leave again.


As I said vacations are wonderful. But being welcomed by these two…

Happy dogs

reminds you that there’s no place like home!

My 4 Legged Running Partner

One of my favorite running partners is my 8 month old puppy, Daisy.


She’s a great pace partner. She runs right beside me.


Looking around and taking in the scenery.


But she keeps pace right with me.


Every now and then she nuzzles my hand with her nose while we’re running. It’s the sweetest thing. We’ll be running along and all of a sudden I feel this cold little nose touch my hand. I look down and she’s looking up at me with this happy expression on her face.

This is our first English Shepherd so I don’t know if it’s an English Shepherd thing or if it’s just Daisy’s personality. I take it as her way of encouraging me, “Keep going, you’re doing great!”

I’m just glad to have such a great, always ready and always willing running partner.


Thanks Daisy for another great run!

Can you guess what this is?

Sleepy 2

You might be thinking, “uh, a dog?”. You’d be partly correct. It is a dog, a 6 month old puppy to be exact. But the truly correct answer is…a very tired puppy. You see this doesn’t happen very often. Daisy is usually on the go most of the time exploring and taking in all she can of the world around her. But this day Daisy really got her exercise and she was tuckered out. I was able to take successive pictures with nothing more from Daisy than a slight opening of her eyes.

Sleepy Daisy

Sleepy 3

Snoozing, she is.

Notice the quilt on the couch. It’s one of my favorite quilts to snuggle under…just thought you’d wanna know.

Sleepy 4

“Hey, you taking pictures of me?”…back to snoozing.

Sleepy 6

I was even able to get a close-up. Ah, nice quiet evening. Good-night, Daisy. Happy puppy dreams.